The Smule Artist program (Verified Artist)


The original post

We get a lot of Smule Singers and group members asking how they can get a verified status and take help by being a Verified artist? We asked Smule this question. The following is an announcement of the original post pasted here.

Announcing The Smule Artist Program

Bright Antenna is First Label Partner

Smule today is thrilled to announce the launch of our Artist Program – created by musicians, for musicians.

Smule’s community of 20 million active fans provide a unique platform for artists looking to advance their careers, whether they are already established or just emerging on the scene. Through the Artist Program, we work directly with artists and their management teams to handcrafts campaigns that help them find new fans among Smule’s 20 million active community members and engage with their existing fans on mobile platforms in ways that are fun and interactive. Best of all, the program is currently free to artists who participate.

“Through early artist relationships, we saw the genuine and authentic interactions between artists and fans. Such interactions weren’t possible on other networks,” said Jeannie Yang, Chief Product & Design Officer at Smule. “We realized we needed to open the program up because there’s something very fun and rewarding here for both artists and their fans.”

We are debuting the program with our inaugural label partner, Bright Antenna, home to hot indie bands such as Flagship, The Wombats and Beware of Darkness.

“People say the music industry is dead. It’s not, and Smule epitomizes why,” said Scott Schumaker, Managing Partner of Bright Antenna. “Their users are passionate, engaged music lovers, just like we are at Bright Antenna, and their apps are some of the best tools for music discovery and for fan engagement that we’ve come across yet.”

Read on to find out more about the Smule Artist Program.

Through the Artist Program, Flagship will release three songs in Smule’s catalog. The band has also recorded a performance of their single, “Are You Calling,” into Smule’s Sing! Karaoke app. Fans will be able to join Flagship to record a duet with the band.

The Smule Artist Program evolved from an organic relationship Smule has built over the years with entertainment brands and individual artists who made up our intrepid early adopters. We’ve worked with well-known talent – including OK Go, The Gregory Brothers, Austin Mahone, T-Pain, Lady Antebellum and Fox’s “Glee.” And we’ve partnered with emerging artists such as Con Bro Chill, Todd Carey, Guy Lockard and Dan Godlin. Our collaboration with the hot emerging band Con Bro Chill to promote the release of their song, “Power Happy” led to a spike in their music video views of 300,000 viewers in three months.

“Smule has been HUGE for our band and promoting our music. We love the genuine kind of exposure they give us,” said Con Bro Chill’s Connor Martin. “They actually get people interacting with your music. Instead of forcing a song, or video down people’s throats, they invite the user to be in the band and be apart of the music. Other than having a person attend our live shows, I’ve seen no better way to convert a person to our music than Smule’s apps.”

Todd Carey, whose hit single “Nintendo” debuted on Smule’s Sing! and Magic Piano, attributed the song’s 300% sales boost largely to his collaboration with Smule. “Smule and ‘Nintendo’ turned out to be a knockout combo,” Carey said.

We are excited to be able to build upon these seminal experiences and launch a formal program today to support independent musicians and help grow their careers. To learn more about our earlier collaborations with artists, check out the list of articles at the bottom of this page.

If you are an artist and want to work with Smule, we want to hear from you! Tell us a little about yourself here, and we will be in touch.”

In short click on the link at the word Here. Answer all the fields in the form and hope for the best to hear from Smule to send you a reply allowing you to come as a Partner Artist. Please note that this is not the same as a Verified User. The process of a user getting verified by Smule is explained here

Be professional when you write to them. Ideally, you must be an Artist with a serious career program in front of you. You are serious in pursuing to form a band and still struggling to get that recognition to be in front of the world. Your songs are absolutely fantastic, just go for it. Smule team is there big time to support you.

Or You are an upcoming music director who want to bring his music to all Smule users

Or You are a Singer who sang playback still struggling to get that recognition

See Some examples

You can be that Singer for sure. Every one start somewhere.

Compiled by SIB Team based on a Smule communication

Nithish Bhaskaran- a singer of challenging melodies on Malayalam Smule



Nithish is basically from Kannur, Kerala, born and brought up in Kolkata. He started learning music in his family with his elder brother. Between his dad’s jobs, Nithish moved around in various states, but ultimately came back to Kerala. He is trained in classical music and his first guru is Jaison J Nair. (Later he went on to become a famous music director); It was upon his recommendation Nithish joined his current Guru Vaikkom Santhosh Kumar.

Nithish already have sung for albums and some of them are up on his Soundcloud account here. Follow him there and there is a lot of good singing up there. Please go listen encourage him. Not many know the power of Sound cloud. It is the way to express and reach to a lot of listeners of good music. Nithish is a singer who knows the power of all that. Kudos.

He formed a band “Atharva” with fellow students in college and later created a college album to commemorate the Golden Jubilee celebrations of his college, Government Engineering College, Thrissur. The album was named “Harmonics”. Everything, right from the lyrics, music, singing, studio recording was done by him and his friends. The album have ten Malayalam songs out of which Nithish sang three songs.

He says, he love a challenges in a songs which are Carnatic or Hindustani style based melodies. Singing has always been a passion in his growing up, but never seriously took it for a profession.

Here is a good one from Nithish’s sound cloud account. Enjoy

Nithish says Smule has given him the platform to sing with amazing singers from all around the world and different professional backgrounds. Music is an universal language and a drug to me. (in a good way, we hope). Of the songs of his like A.R. Rahman music goes to the top of his favorites. Even in worst of his mood, ARR music have healing powers and it has been an addiction for him since childhood.

“Practice makes things perfect” This is what Nithish think about his music. He continues “It’s actually true when it comes to singing. No matter what the song is, I keep practicing till I get it right. I also try to listen and learn the different singing styles of various singers in Smule”

His father used to be the lead singer in stage bands and sung bhajans on stage shows. His dad is always his music idol while his mom is his greatest critic. She is the one who keeps pushing Nithish to various challenges and expanding his boundaries.

Favorite musicians : A.R. Rahman, Illayaraja, Ravindran, Sharreth, Gopi Sundar and Deepak Dev. This lists kind of rounds up everything that is super tough and best of India’s major music directors.

Favorite Singers: Hariharan, Sankar Mahadevan, Lata Mangeshkar, K.S.Chitra, G.Venugopal, Arijith Singh, Shreya Ghoshal.

Let us get to know this profoundly talented singer right away. Here he sings a Classic Malayalam song with Soumya. You all know her and her collab of this song is on many previous features. Amazing talent and we are proud to say she was our first pick of a main female singer from Malayalam. Nithish did an excellent singing here. Listen

Here Nithish sing an iconic recent time class song, with a difficulty level so high not many can sing this. Hrishi joins. Both singers sing this song like a piece of cake.

Nithish in his own collaboration of a Tamil melody Ennavale adi ennavale.

Literally breathless. As Nithish says he like challenges, We all know it by now.

Awesome female singer Parvathy on a beautiful Hindi Calssic. Amazing singing by both.

A beautiful co singer Kritika not so appreciated on Smule. Singing with Nithish a Hindi classic.


Nithish had come on this blog and wrote when Arjun  Muralidharan was featured. Thanks for that. We knew him for a long time. And Also Nithish have waited long to be on a feature. We are glad we were able to do this for you at this time. Please keep singing with all that challenging songs on Smule. All the best for a singing career,

Hrishikesh Subramonian- A singer of beautiful expressions


It was a very late a day here that we arranged to talk with Hrishikesh . On the other end of the chat we saw a young singer that we heard for several months on Smule Sing and few times featured his songs while some of the other singers were on features here. Everything looks bright and we see a young guy with a lot of dreams in his eyes and with a very pleasant warm smile on his face. We were all set to know “Hrishi” (that is what he say people address him) without any further delay.

Hrishikesh Subramonian, is from the capital city of Kerala, Trivandrum. “Hrishi” for short started talking authentically about his music. “I used to sing from a very early age, and my talent I owe it to my dad, T K Subramonian, who himself is a singer and have sung for AIR TVM, with many present-day playback singers and musicians like M G Sreekumar, G Venugopal and K S Beena.” He had the music in his gene, and his mother he remember as the biggest critique of his singing always. Hrishi said his dad never had an opportunity to take singing seriously because he then chose to work for Banking sector and gave up his music to bring up a family.

Hrishi continued “I started learning classical music since the age of six, and continued the training for about 10 years under different teachers.” He learnt most of the Keertanams and Varnams from his Guru Sabu Narayanan, who is based out of Trivandrum. Since 2015, he started again learning Carnatic music basics of from Alleppey Sreekumar.

Hrishi, other wise is an Engineer by profession working for a software firm at Trivandrum Techno park. Hrishi is very active in music circles both at his work and in other cultural activities like Nishgandhi Music festival, Swathi thirunal Aaradhana. The Nishagandhi Festival is a unique venue and who ever want to know more about this should go here. Hrishi got some chances to participate in some events. Each year they invite legendary dancers and singers onto the stage to come perform their art. A very unique event in Trivandrum and the city should be very proud of to host.

Hrishi is not much into Reality shows and don’t have much faith in them. At the moment he started learning Piano in his free time. Asked about his favorite music directors he was thinking much; and said he really won’t point any music director or genre in specific and added “nothing jumps out of my mind”. But if A.R.R. comes and offer a great opportunity who will not jump on to it. He was vocal about singers like K.J., Lata and Manna Dey, and he said some of the classics they created are still unmatched and that shows the genius of those singers.

Hrishi have a band of his own. they call themselves as  Avadhutas. Hrishi says the word means deep in itself and represents a saint who is beyond egoistic consciousness. (WOW) “We mostly perform unplugged tracks and medleys in our own style. We perform bhajans, (Aha, thus the name), film songs and classical songs in Malayalam, Tamil and Hindi.” Since the band is relatively young, they have not yet made a profile or a video, but will be doing one very soon. Here is one of the songs he made with the help of a band member.  Here’s an unplugged attempt of “Mazhaiye” from the movie June. R. Vineet is Pianist from Hrishis’ band accompany him here.

Hrishi also got a chance to be part of the Malayalam movie Poomaram through an audition event. That is where he met many talented singers and it is when, Amal Shankar, that he came to know of Smule app. Hrishi says ever since he joined Smule community, it gave him the chance to collaborate with many superb singers. Hrishi see it as a great platform to explore and improve his own singing, and gain more confidence.

Hrishi says his greatest source of inspiration comes from the singer Harish Sivaramakrishnan, lead vocalist in the band Agam. Hrishi who can relate to him at many levels was vocal about him “It is rare to see someone who seamlessly manages professional, music and family life like him. More than that, i think he is really good human being. In fact, I was excited when he surprisingly commented on one of my Smule collabs with my school junior Nandana for the song O Dilruba.” So here it is, give this a listen. Very tough song, but indeed a great job by both.

Besides, Hrishi have a music team in his office, and recently they tried an A capella cover of Pentatonix’s Take Me Home. Wow is the word here  Super and very talented group wished the base sounded a bit better.

Hrishi sang quite a lot of songs on Smule; it was a great help that he picked some of his own songs here and few of them did not have a video, but he was kind to make this video files for us and send it. Enjoy. Piyu Bole, Beautiful expressions and a Hindi movie classic version of a Rabindra Sangeeth. Co singer is Sreenadana is an awesome singer. Indeed a great collaboration. Listen also this Phoole phoole dhole dhole‘.wait till the part where the sound of the Cuckoo bird in the song.

We can not go with out Amal in any of the features, right? Hrishi is a constant collaborator of Amal and they both met at the Poomaram song audition and later at the movie shoot at the Maharajas College, Ernakulam, the greatest college on Earth. Despite all the facts this one right here is a favorite of both of them. when talents join it is a pleasure to watch.

Nilakaaigirathe an amazing singing and beautiful melody by Hrishi. Co-singer is Vaisakh did a good job.

Phenomenal singer Aruna Sathya joins this great collaboration. It is a pleasure to see when we see Hrishi profile attract such a number of good singers. Listen this for sure

Hrishi singing a collaboratio with Amrutha Neeyen Vennila. Awesome singing.

Another tough song to sing. Extremely popular song; there are many versions of it. That itself makes it difficult when people are ready to compare. Here is Lailakame. Hrishi said during the conversations that he sing a song always in his own ways. We believe that defines him as a singer. We are embedding a sound cloud link for this song. In any case please visit Hrishi on his sound cloud account here and there is a lot of songs there to listen as well.

Hrishis’ voice and singing style is very unique. He sings with most conviction of any song he picks. We leave you all here with one of the latest trend setting music director on Smule Sing Kailas Menon and his Jeevamshamayi super hit song. Here Hrishi sing it with his friend Nanadana. Super job both.


Agam Band and Harish SivaramaKrishnan


We talked about this very unique band from Bangalore on many of our past features and heard many of your featured artists said that this band is their model to develop into. Arjun Muralidharan mentioned about this band and more so Hrishikesh said he admire the lead singer Harish Sivramakrishanan as his model. As we see more about this band you will also realize this is one unique band definitely need a mention on our blog. So is this written anecdote here.

Agam as the name in its meaning intend to a deeper meaning but in its simplistic meaning it pertains “what is inside” in Malayalam. For those who want to know the deeper meaning of it it means Heart, Soul or the inner Soul”. If you think about the Music from India for many it is a search for something for everyone. As some of the Carnatic musicians it is a search for that inner soul and some it as finding the God. There is nothing more than music that will take you down that lane faster than any other means. The band and its lead singer Harish in his interviews come out very rugged and as some one who really crave for the traditions of rural Kerala; one may expect to find a metro sexual male of Western Carnatic fusion band; Harish is not like any typical lead singers of bands from metro cities in India.

Harish as heard and seen is an ardent music lover,trained extensively in South India Carnatic music. He says he never heard a fusion song or any western music before he went to college in Bangalore. It was his close friends at the college that introduced him to other forms of music.


That is the cover of their album. In an interview to Kappa TV Harish says he can not forget all the iconic symbols of traditional art forms in the small hamlet of his child hood from his mind and those define him as a musician. He says some images never goes away from ones mind no matter how old one may grow; the colorful Theyaam (see above their album cover) that comes to his house through the lush green paddy fields in front of his house. He also says the rain water flows down the drains in abundance during the Monsoon, all those imagery take a precedence of the melodies in Agam’s music. When one ask Harish about the songs and its creation he never stop praising how much of his colleagues contributed in a big way to many successful songs in their albums.

Agam when came to India’s music scene was called and promoted as Carnatic progressive rock band. There is not much rock in the singing as you may all see soon. It is the background music that bring the rock style. Basically that is what worked the best to have the traditional style hardcore singers to say “it is OK to accept this”, It is for sure still there are some Pundits turn restlessly in their grave yard hearing all this progressive rock. For them the Western music is simply chaotic and no good for any style to match the traditions that existed for years. Slowly the scene in India changing for sure. There are many other young singers made a career singing Progressive Carnatic style. Karthik is another singer (although so many may differ about the quality of his singing) who made a career singing a similar style. We also added a Karthik song Mahaganapathim at the end for you to hear him. See below.

Here are some of our picks from the AGAM bands’ performances. Bloggers respect for Carnatic music is never ending. We will feature such bands and their stories here more to understand the changing trends in the new way of young generation see the music.

Another out of the world performance

This particular one is a song that created some controversy for a while. But asked about it and the critiques who really disliked this version of Sree Ragamo. His reaction was “I sang some very good, some very bad. It is the critiques that decide they liked it or not. If some thought it is bad, sorry. Will try make better next time.”

There is a lot of questions in front of India and its classical music scene. Are we going to say singers like him can not sing the fusion of a Carnatic raaga? One thing for sure singers like Harish brought these Raagas to the commons; it is time that Carantic music have to come down to earth and be with common people and be enjoyed by everyone. One get the taste of the hardcore in a diluted version, might go in search of the stock.



Hope is that you all enjoyed knowing Hrishikesh and his music as much we enjoyed knowing him. Thanks Hrishi, it was such a pleasure to know you personally and know more about your music. Never lose your dreams. Things may not work the way what one may want always.


We are leaving you all with a D.H. Lawrence Poetry. It is one of the most close to heart Poetry of blogger. It is a contrasting picture of about the dreams of old and young. Read

Dreams Old and Nascent
D. H. Lawrence, 1885 – 1930

I have opened the window to warm my hands on the sill
Where the sunlight soaks in the stone: the afternoon
Is full of dreams, my love, the boys are all still
In a wistful dream of Lorna Doone.

The clink of the shunting engines is sharp and fine,
Like savage music striking far off, and there
On the great, uplifted blue palace, lights stir and shine
Where the glass is domed in the blue, soft air.

There lies the world, my darling, full of wonder and wistfulness and strange
Recognition and greetings of half-acquaint things, as I greet the cloud
Of blue palace aloft there, among misty indefinite dreams that range
At the back of my life’s horizon, where the dreamings of past lives crowd.

Over the nearness of Norwood Hill, through the mellow veil
Of the afternoon glows to me the old romance of David and Dora,
With the old, sweet, soothing tears, and laughter that shakes the sail
Of the ship of the soul over seas where dreamed dreams lure the unoceaned explorer.

All the bygone, hushèd years
Streaming back where the mist distils
Into forgetfulness: soft-sailing waters where fears
No longer shake, where the silk sail fills
With an unfelt breeze that ebbs over the seas, where the storm
Of living has passed, on and on
Through the coloured iridescence that swims in the warm
Wake of the tumult now spent and gone,
Drifts my boat, wistfully lapsing after
The mists of vanishing tears and the echo of laughter.


My world is a painted fresco, where coloured shapes
Of old, ineffectual lives linger blurred and warm;
An endless tapestry the past has woven drapes
The halls of my life, compelling my soul to conform.

The surface of dreams is broken,
The picture of the past is shaken and scattered.
Fluent, active figures of men pass along the railway, and I am woken
From the dreams that the distance flattered.

Along the railway, active figures of men.
They have a secret that stirs in the their limbs as they move
Out of the distance, nearer, commanding my dreamy world.

Here in the subtle, rounded flesh
Beats the active ecstasy.
In the sudden lifting my eyes, it is clearer,
The fascination of the quick, restless Creator moving through the mesh
Of men, vibrating in ecstasy through the rounded flesh.

Oh my boys, bending over your books,
In you is trembling and fusing
The creation of a new-patterned dream, dream of a generation:
And I watch to see the Creator, the power that patterns the dream.

The old dreams are beautiful, beloved, soft-toned, and sure,
But the dream-stuff is molten and moving mysteriously,
Alluring my eyes; for I, am I not also dream-stuff,
Am I not quickening, diffusing myself in the pattern, shaping and shapen?

Here in my class is the answer for the great yearning:
Eyes where I can watch the swim of old dreams reflected on the molten metal of dreams,
Watch the stir which is rhythmic and moves them all as a heart-beat moves the blood,
Here in the swelling flesh the great activity working,
Visible there in the change of eyes and the mobile features.

Oh the great mystery and fascination of the unseen Shaper,
The power of the melting, fusing Force—heat, light, all in one,
Everything great and mysterious in one, swelling and shaping the dream in the flesh,
As it swells and shapes a bud into blossom.

Viewer appreciation: More Beautiful people on Smule Sing (II)


This is the second edition of the special feature for first half of the year, where we are picking few singers from a pool of singers who contacted us recently and first few months of 2018. There was another barrage of emails from the last few days. We will read through all of them and visit your pages and will try to include you all in the features.

Livia Roy


Livia’s friends recommended her for a feature here. One of her follower Diana Paul wrote “Check out this super talented singer with outstanding voice and professionalism in her singing…a giant killer ….showing outstanding performance with most of the lead smule singers..Shine Kumar, Vidhu Vivek, Srividya Natarajan, S Lakshmipriya etc….started her smule account recently. I am a hardcore fan of this young lady. She deserve an applause.” Diana thanks for bringing our attention to this singer. Here is that applause that she well deserves.

All the best to the singers here. It is your never ending efforts to come and read the blog and write to us and be a part of this efforts is so valuable for us and appreciate much. Please come every week and keep supporting and read the features on other singers. Love you all.



Don’t ask us why he call himself like that on a singing app. (Xcruciating is a word used to expressed something intense like pain). It was his friends that suggested him for a feature when we wrote a beautiful feature about Yugal, Milan and Ali. We found this singer quite interesting and talented. It was his friend named Garshita who wrote this about him.

“I am reaching out to nominate an extremely talented singer on Smule Sing! His profile name is “Xcruciator”. I swear never heard anything like him. His voice quality makes your heart throb and his hold on notes is unreal. He deserves to be recognized and celebrated as one of India’s finest and what better place to receive this honor than this venerated Platform. Hope both my message and his voice finds a place in your blog and the hearts of million others!

Friends and fans with such an appreciation! We found that the follower’s comments are not so unfounded. He indeed is a great singer thus choose him from many such competing suggestions. Here he sings a beautiful melody with Yugal and the second sound you hear is the singer ID with Xcruciator.

Garishta this is for you. Thanks for visiting the blog and write to us. Thanks for the huge support.

Ronny Hiranandani


Ronny’s friends wrote this after we featured some singers who never respond to their followers and collaborators. This is why some of Ronny’s followers said nice about him. He communicate with them appropriate. So they loved him. The email suggested few singers for us to consider. We thought Ronny is a good singer and need a mention here. Here are two songs of Ronnie here. Hope his friends are happy that we at least was able to include one of their picks.


All the friends who wrote on the blog and wrote using contact option please know that we are listening to all you guys. Keep singing, you may be picked for the next episode in December 2018. All the best from SIB.

Lyrics time

We want to leave you all with Queens’ song Friends will be Friends

Lyrics time

Friends will be Friends

Songwriters: John Deacon / Freddie Mercury
Friends Will Be Friends lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Another red letter day
So the pound has dropped and the children are creating
The other half ran away
Taking all the cash and leaving you with the lumber
Got a pain in the chest
Doctors on strike what you need is a rest
It’s not easy love, but you’ve got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you’re in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you’re through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand ’cause friends will be friends
Right till the end
Now it’s a beautiful day
The postman delivered a letter from your lover
Only a phone call away
You tried to track him down but somebody stole his number
As a matter of fact
You’re getting used to life without him in your way
It’s so easy now, ’cause you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you’re in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you’re through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand ’cause friends will be friends
Right till the end
It’s so easy now, ’cause you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you’re in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you’re through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand friends will be friends
Right till the end
Friends will be friends
When you’re in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you’re through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand ’cause right till the end, friends will be friends
Yeah, yeah

Thanks All Friends, LOVE to ALL.

Viewer Appreciation Week – These are the most beautiful people on Smule Sing


These are our most valued friends in this feature. They visited the page and saw the features and either wrote to propose themselves or proposed their friends names. We have covered recent months and some earlier emails till now. There is a huge back log of not able to read a few hundreds of emails that came in the last part of last year and earlier months of 2018. We will get back to them very soon and if there is a singer we see with potential we sure will cover their singing.

All singers here should be very proud, since they are selected from a pool of 250 Smule users who requested for a feature here. We love this response, but sure very much disappointed we have still nearly six hundred emails more to read through. These are all done manually and so all friends here had put a lot of effort into scanning through these mails and visit the users.

There is one more blog to be released this week on Wednesday with few more singers that we really thought need to be highlighted. They are not there yet, but we thought should be encouraged. So come back on Wednesday if you have written to us but not here you may be in the next feature.

Keep visiting and encourage others, listen to other singers. If you have only listened to yourself how monotonous that would have been. You all read the features and listened to all other singers and that is why you all are here today. KUDOS. Nothing here is in any particular order, still Malayalam Smule is our favorite so may be there is a bias. Sorry can’t help.

Sreenath N

Sreenath N is an awesome talent. Sreenath wrote this “A lot of singers of singers on Smule who have not many followers are not recognized”. He did not say anything except all praises for a great writing job by the bloggers. But Sreenath see this, you are here just like that. The magic is that initiative to write about your thoughts. Here he sings a short version with a very talented Sanjay Santhosh. Sreenath please look for an email from the bloggers.

Sajan Raj

Sajan is our big time friends for whom we were never able to reward him with a permanent place in a feature. Thanks for always visiting writing. Here he sings with our Gandharvan living on earth Arjun an awesome Sonu Nigam song Abhi mujume kahin

Jithu Mohandas

We have to say this about Jithu, the very first ever person to write on the blog when we featured his best buddy Sabareesh and later when we featured Binita. Jithu give a good genuine try on any song with all his heart. Here he sings an all time Malayalam hit Illimulam kadukalil

Savitha Puran

We met Savitha when we featured Sneha and the music of Maratha. Savita lives in Scotland and she is a huge supporter of this blog and we totally respect her good words and  interest. Keep singing and rocking. Here is what she writes about her music when she wrote to us.

“I am a Bollywood music Fan and a singer on Smule. I love all sorts of songs. My singing idol is Asha Bhosle ji.Basically I am from Pune, Maharashtra  but currently I live in Edinburgh Scotland.  I have learnt so many new songs and improved my skills. I am reliving my passion.  I like to do experimental stuff like adding variations to the original songs. I have made many very good friends through smule. People in India community here appreciate my singing when i post them on social media.  I have had Hindustani classical training  back in India.  I am an active member of Scottish Indian Arts Forum, promoting India arts and culture in Scotland .”


We met Reshma when we wrote a very special feature on a super talented Amal Shankar. Reshma is very big supporter of our blog. Writes personal notes and critiques and encouraging comments all the time. Thanks for the support.

Prerna Jakatdr

Prerana wrote to us after the feature on Sneha released. We did follow up with her at that time. But sorry for a long delay. Here is a small gift for you. Here she joins a collaboration with Sneha on a Marathi song. It is so awesome, give a listen. Superb performance by Sneha and an equally nice singing by Prerna.

R. V. Ramanan (RVR_FTB)

Ramanan2Ramanan is a long time reader of the blog posts and we apologize for such delay in have him a permanent place in a  feature. Never it is too late to have our dedicated readers to have a place in here. So that they all get to display their music to everybody else. Ramanan is an awesome singer with a lot of potential. Note there is no-one has given a place of a profile picture except for him. Why? He is an awesome talent on Smule sing. Visit him on his profile page here. Sure listen to this awesome song.

Another Song by Ramanan with Ajit

Parag Paunikar

Parag, sorry man. Long wait. At least this much we could do for you. Awesome singer Parag join Sneha here on a Marathi collaboration. It looks like right out of an old Hindi classic movie. Great video and as usual Sneha awesome singing.

Avinash Singh

Avinash is a very talented singer. He says music is his passion. Visit him here

Shridevi Jineesh

Another singer with great potential. She wrote to us and thanks for that. Great singer, with great techniques and very commendable singing on Smule.

Jaya Chitra

Jaya wrote to us and she said Smule is a place she sing her heart out to forget her worries. Through her music she says she got many friends, new relatives. She wrote. What a great gesture, we never would have known you, otherwise. Thanks. Please do not stop singing, keep singing.

Tina Singh

Tina wrote long time back, We thought she need a lot of encouragement. Support her. We did promise her she will be here, and we kept our promise, no matter. Listen to her and encourage her. She says no judgement no matter, so please no judgements please. We whole heartedly support her. Keep singing and thansk for writing such beautiful wrods about our blog.

Syed Adil Hussaini

He wrote to us he is a very good singer and no judging. So as he wished, here is his singing in his own owrds “I’m not a trained singer. Just love singing.Not here for making followers. Love to sing and learn by each song.I imitate Kumar Sanu. Started singing after a gap of more than 20 years with the introduction of Smule accidentally on google”

Here Syed Adil Hussaini


Jittendraji. Thanks for writing Great singing. Here is your gift. Beautiful singing by the co-singer.

Chandra Sekhar

Chandra also wrote long time back soon after few blog releases. He also asked us not to judge him. So here you go. EMJOY.


suggested by her friend Deepak Gautam, and he wanted to encourage her singing wrote so much to us. Here you go, sorry for a long long wait.


He is the most UN-assuming singer wrote to us. He was full of hesitation and yet had the willingness to write. That is because he know he can sing well. If he put his heart and mind into it, we think he can, he know how to blow his horn.


His name was suggested by his friend Madhur Jain. Thanks for writing. Here is a small gift and keep the good singing. All the best, we thought you deserve a place here. Enjoy this.

Small advice; you call yourself Rajendra in the email and on smule you call your self Appie Sippu and your Smule id is rAjenDrA5RAJ; wow so complex,are you trying hard that no one will find your smule profile? Thanks Madhur for writing and recommending.

Shally Sharma


Shally also wrote few months ago. Thanks for writing. We definitely would not have seen you otherwise . Nice voice and singing. Keep the good work. Don’t get scared, warning the male singer is really awesome with a great singing.

Asmita Bhagabati

Asmita, very talented beautiful singer. Awesome is the word. We will be writing to you soon. Keep the good singing. You sang this awesome.

Ravi Kaushal

Ravi seems an institution by himself. He uses his profile as a medium where he is trying hard to make a noticeable image. There is nothing wrong in it. Keep watching how great singers introduce themselves, and may be you will be a great singer one of these days. Keep singing and thanks for writing. Here is a small gift for you. Ravi wrote “I like the smule coz its a very nice application which provides connectivity to the people to learn and practice different songs and explore. I am a professional Artist, singer, composer just got to know about this blog by some dear one. So decided to write you guys. You are doing very nice job by featuring people. ” Here is a link to his webpage, Very impressive webpage and keep the good work. You do not need us to feature you, you own a webpage yourself. Good job. Please let us know if you need help more.


Thanks entire Smule community from India and elsewhere. All our blog readers from more than 60 countries all across the world. This is your site and this is your win. You are the strength of this blog. Please know the bloggers are ultimately so indebted to you all beautiful people who visit the blog every week. Keep coming back and know these young budding talents.