Reji a beautiful singer of sweet melodies



Our feature on music from Kerala featuring Arjun Muralidharan and Vipin Subramanian have created such great response from singers, we promised ourselves that we will try to cover as many singers possible from Kerala.

We happen to see Reji by pure chance and never had known him until a mail came in suggesting Reji’s profile for a feature. One thing that strike first was Rejis profile looked like is presented with very artistically made video collaborations


“Reji” that is all we knew even after when we approached him for a feature. Reji is the most unassuming singer we have come across. He was very apprehensive about if he ever qualify to be featured with out any training in music. Reji’s profile at the moment is limited with some life changing events unfortunately.

Reji was asked about his music, so he started “I am an amateur singer but love singing and this music unknowingly made me find my soul mate i thought, but our thoughts could be completely defeating the reasoning.

Asked about what kind of music he like “soft melodies and romantic songs which he can use for expressing his feelings. He like trying tough songs like classical or songs that need a higher vocal range. This all help him get a better control of his voice.”

He continues “I try to put up songs that are close to perfect or close to my maximum satisfaction”.

Asked about the aspirations of a music career he says ” At the moment all i can say I would like to take a break from all and will begin a new mode soon”.

He says Playback singing is the dream of course and he will be working towards it.

He says “Although I have learned some classical in my early childhood, he plainly say I know nothing about music; ‘.

Although Reji is down to earth about his knowledge, we will soon see he is a natural singer, with an innate taste for all basics of good singing. We think although he came out a bit reluctant in the beginning ( which many might take as arrogance); we realized how nice a person he is in all his dealings. He is a super talented singer, whom we are happy to present here, although we have very few of his original songs in hand to present here.

Eee mizhikalin from ormayundo ee mukham movie, a super singing by him. Amazing singing by Reji Original score is by Vineeth Srinivasan and Mridula Warrior. We think Reji did an awesome job with his careful execution (that is his signature)

From movie Vivekam Kaadalada original song by Pradeep Kumar and Sasha Tirupati and we think Reji’s version sound close to the original. A beautiful song. Listen

Malare from Premam movie and original score is by Vijay Yesudas. Rejis’ song choices are right on with a great display of his music tastes

Yesudas from Udayananu tharam song Parayathe ariyathe nee poyathalle.

Uyire from Bombay movie ARR composition of a time less classic


At the end of very short feature about a singer not so much known or confident himself or with a lot of ambition we strongly feel Reji definitely deserve this. We saw a young guy who is hugely challenged when surrounded by a world where competitions and self propaganda make the best of it. But Reji is highly talented with a great control of his voice and knowledge of singing techniques. We are very proud to present him here and want everyone to go listen to him at his profile at this link. Encourage this singer.

Literature TIME

Instead of Poetry for this feature we decided to add some beautiful quotes from our most favorite novelist Gabrial Garcia Marqueez’s novel “Love in the Time of Cholera”.

For novice, Marqueez is a Nobel prize winning writer from Colombia. This particular novel plot is set as a very complex human experience of a love between two characters Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza. They are loving each other secretly, because Fermina’s father (Lorenzo Daza) will never let her marry Florentino. Her dad as the time went by, found out his daughters relation and he move with her to his deceased wife’s house afar from her lover. The lovers still communicate despite all the resistance. Meanwhile a young national hero Dr. Juvenal Urbino meets Fermina and begins to court her. Despite her initial resistance she ultimately give herself to her dad’s wish to be Urbino’s wife. Urbino had a greater goal in life of a public life where he was very active in the eradication of Cholera and build a name in public.

Even after Fermina is married, Florentino remained faithful to his love. Ultimately his promiscuity get the better of him. Even with all the women he slept with during Fermina’s abscence, he made sure Fermina will never find out all that. Urbino and Fermina lived and grew older together and during his old age while trying to rescue his parrot, Urbino fall down off a ladder and die. This gave a chance for Florentino to come back to Fermina. Although she came to know about his other relationships, she decided to give him a second chance. Ultimately, Fermina realize although the love she had with Urbino is never spiritually chaste. For her, Florentino with all his infidelity issues, she found him more mature and the life with him gave her more satisfaction and allowed their love to blossom even in their old age.

The novel is as typical of Marqueez’s other novels full of beautiful expressions. Here in this feature there is nothing more we can think of than adding some of those lines from his novel

To him she seemed so beautiful, so seductive, so different from ordinary people, that he could not understand why no one was as disturbed as he by the clicking of her heels on the paving stones, why no one else’s heart was wild with the breeze stirred by the sighs of her veils, why everyone did not go mad with the movements of her braid, the flight of her hands, the gold of her laughter. He had not missed a single one of her gestures, not one of the indications of her character, but he did not dare approach her for fear of destroying the spell.

and She

ā€œShe would defend herself, saying that love, no matter what else it might be, was a natural talent. She would say: You are either born knowing how, or you never know.ā€ 

ā€œTell him yes. Even if you are dying of fear, even if you are sorry later, because whatever you do, you will be sorry all the rest of your life if you say no.ā€

And finally most favorite quote of all from this novel

ā€œThe only regret I will have in dying is if it is not for love.ā€


Come back next week to meet with up close with yet another two very beautiful young singers representing a new style of singing in India’s music. Thanks once again for reading and Visiting. Love you all.

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